Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowed In

So, yes, it snowed in Atlanta.  We got six inches at my house.  I went to college in Illinois and my friends from up there think it's hysterical that the snow shuts down the city.  But we don't have a snowplow for each major road and ice is really our worst enemy.  So we choose to close school and ask that people don't drive.  Because here it is: I don't care what you say, even if you're from the north, you can't drive on ice. 

Anyway, first we had a Christmas Day snow and now a big storm has kept the kids out of school for the entire week.  Having time off is one thing when you know about it in advance.  You plan things to do, you set up playdates, and basically have it arranged so that you aren't stuck with the same people for a straight 72 hours.  Don't get me wrong, I love my family.  But after a while everyone starts to go a tad bit stir crazy.

But do you know what?  We made some great memories during "Snowmaggedon 2011."  While sledding down the street on my 30+ year old American Flyer sled is close to the top of the list, the thing that had us laughing the most was playing Snow Sports.  We played snow soccer.  Soccer takes on a whole new twist when the ball stops suddenly in a snow drift or your foot gets stuck as you crunch through some ice.  My son and I played for about 45 minutes.  And to prove that a change in scenery can make a difference, he actually said the game was over WITH ME WINNING!  I know he hates to lose (I'm glad - I don't want my kids to ever like losing) and at 5 years old we have our share of tears when things don't go our way while playing a game.  So I was so very proud of him in this moment when he said I was the winner in overtime and gave me a post-game handshake and "good game."

We also played two-on-two football - tackle football.  Now, when there isn't snow on the ground, I don't play tackle football.  But my kids' laughter as they were thrown down into the snow - or as they watched me get a face full of snow - was infectious.  My husband had the best move of the day when he stretched over the goal line - but I'll be worried about the blueberry bush he landed on until I see fruit on it again.  Football ended abruptly when my daughter had a friend come over - who not surprisingly looked at us and didn't want to join in - so my son and I just ganged up on my husband, who at that point tried REALLY hard not to get tackled.  That would have been a shot to the ego.  I will not say what the final outcome was of that particular play.

The kids invented a new version of freeze - not too much of a stretch in these temperatures.  They would run down the hill as fast as they could and jump in an iced-over spot.  Then they would just let themselves fall.  I'm not sure if it was funnier to see them get snow in the strangest places or watch them try and get back up!  They went down the snow-covered slide and jumped on swings covered with snow.  My daughter loved being able to fly off her swing knowing she had a cushion of snow to land in.

Yes, we were snowed in for a week, if snowed in means not leaving the neighborhood.  But the true delight on my kids' rosy red faces really made it OK.  The fact that they actually came up with fun things to do outside on their own was great.  I get so tired of telling them to go outside and play and they say "but there's nothing to do!"  If we don't try to micromanage every minute of the day, I find that they usually are quite capable of figuring it out.

The last time we had a snow like this was 1993.  I'm ready to see the grass and get back into a routine, but I truly hope we don't have to wait another 18 years.  I won't have young kids at home to remind me not to act my age for a little while.

(Sorry, unfortunately there are no pictures to post with this because I was far too busy playing to take any!)

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